Lowongan Kerja Bogor Mei 2009 di DAILYBREAD FOOD INDONESIA (Location : Sentul – Bogor)

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Bagi anda yang berdomisili atau pengen ke Bogor, sekarang PT. DAILYBREAD FOOD INDONESIA membuka lowongan kerja bogor mei 2009 untuk posisi PPIC (Staff & Supervisory level) – (Location : Sentul – Bogor).

Berikut lowongan kerja bogor mei 2009 dari PT. DAILYBREAD FOOD INDONESIA :


We, fast growing retail company built in 1996, are looking for the dynamic and professional candidates to fill the following position.

PPIC (Staff & Supervisory level) – (Location : Sentul – Bogor)


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor degree from food technology or related preferred from Institute Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
  • Candidate must have good knowledge about ISO 22000, GMP, HACCP and its implementation
  • Candidate must have good knowledge about planning and inventory control
  • Male min 27 years old
  • At least 1 years experiences as PPIC Staff from retail food industry/ Bakery Manufacture
  • Applicants must be willing to work in Sentul – Bogor
  • Applicants must be able to work as soon as possible
  • Full-Time positions available
Baca Juga:  Lowongan Kerja Bagian Keuangan PT. TOSSA SALIMAS FINANCE

We would like to invite you to apply for the above position by sending your C.V with attached photograph and code of

the position as subject to :

Plaza Golden Fatmawati (D’Best) Blok E 32
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 15
Jakarta Selatan

Or Email to : hrd@dailybreadfood.com

Informasi dari warnadunia.com

About Author: Damar Alfian

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Damar Alfian adalah seorang penulis dan kontren kreator di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Dia juga sebagai kontributor di beberapa media online.